Monday, March 14, 2011

The Reason I Ignore My Book Blog

There is a reason I ignore my book blog and it is not because I am not reading books. It is because I am too embarrassed to post about the books I am reading. So I am here to come clean. I read relationship books. For someone who is not in a lifetime committed relationship, I probably read them more than I should. But I like them. And somehow I think that intellectualizing my inability to find a lasting relationship by consuming large volumes of how to on such relationships is going to allow me to fix all the problems that are causing me to continue to pause at the door of committment. So I am coming clean because I want you to know that I haven't abonded the written word and because I think these two books are actually quite good and you may actually enjoy reading them yourself. Here it goes.

Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work and the Relationship Cure are both books by John Gottman. I like them because they are based on the prinicples of faith, hope and charity. They talk about being good friends and that good frienships come from basic and continual connection. The Relationship Cure is a specific guide to how to better connect with spouses, friends, co workers, siblings, and anyone else who is a part of your life. They have both been helpful to me.

I can't get into The Book Theif. Any suggestions?