Saturday, December 19, 2009

#8 Three cups of Tea- I can't say enough about how much I love this book

This book is moving to the top of my list as my favorite book I've read so far. What an amazing true story. This book is appealing because it is the story of a man who seems like an ordinary person, but is so full of love and compassion that is able to accomplish unthinkable tasks. I love the story of his path. How he wants everything to happen in a moment, but is required to exercise patience. Mostly I love that although the path is hard, it seems as though divine providence is guiding him. Just when it seems that all is lost, the way opens. It is a beautiful story. I am now in the part of the story when he is building 3 schools each spring. The year is 1998. Knowing what is coming in history, I am worried that terrorism and Islamic radicalism is about to destroy his efforts. Sometimes I forget that in these warring nations filled with men seeking to destroy our freedoms, there are beautiful people and children. It is too easy to forget.

Monday, December 14, 2009

#8 Three Cups of Tea- I can't wait to dig into this book

Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson has been on my list for a while. I have heard great things about the real changes this man has been able to make through education. I became even more excited after Mr. Mortenson presented at BYU. His stories of the value of education, particularly the value of educating girls, drew me in. I have a firm belief that education is the way to change the world. I am excited to read this one and I am hopeful there are some more of you out there who have read this as well. Let me know what you think.