Monday, September 28, 2009

Remembering Reading

I have decided to also post anecdotes about reading on this site because it is fun to think about the pleasure of reading. I think I was too young to remember when my love affair with books began, but I do have early recollections of the way reading made me feel. My favorite series growing up was the Little House on the Prairie books by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I don't know how many times I read this series as a girl. I can still recall vivid images of Pa playing his fiddle as the wolves howled in the distance, I remember Laura and Mary throwing the pig's bladder back and forth after the family hog was slaughtered, but mostly I remember Almonzo coming to pick Laura up to bring her home for the weekend when she was teaching school. I always thought I was like brown haired, slightly naughty, Laura, while my sister Michelle was like blonde haired, always perfect, Mary. I feel like I lived those years with Laura and if I met her today, I would expect that we would sit down and visit like old friends.

What books did you love as a kid?


  1. ummm that is my FAVORITE book series as a kid (and probably still)!
    I loved it! You described it perfectly. I had numerous sets of the books and read them MANY times!

  2. I think that was Nancy Drew for me. I still want to name a daughter George after her cousin. Didn't she describe her as being slightly overweight, or was that my overactive childhood imagination? Micah wants to name a daughter Pistol. We're probably in trouble either way. Maybe we'll go with Laura... or Heidi!

  3. I loved, loved, loved "Little House" books. I've tried to get my kids to read them, but they have no interest whatsoever. What? What is wrong with them?

    Growing up, we weren't allowed to watch the TV show "Little House on the Prairie" because my sister (who loved the books even more than I did) could not get past the fact that Pa didn't have a beard. Sorry Michael Landon, but you're no Pa.

    My favorite book growing up was "The Westing Game." Again, my kids hate it. Is there lead in the water? What is wrong with them?

  4. Little House books were at the top of my list as a girl. I remember laughing out loud as I read - first time I remember this happening. It was in Farmer Boy when the boys got caught on a wild ride on their sled, with a pig no less - and all on the Sabbath day! To me, it sounded just like a story out of my Dad's childhood. Nancy Drew books were another favorite as I got a little older. A book series that I loved, and have never heard anyone else ever talk about, was a series by Patricia Coombs. They were Dorrie the Witch books. I absolutely loved these! I was really into witches as a child (good witches) - my Mom was born on Halloween! "Dorrie and the Blue Witch" was a particular favorite. What a fun post Heidi!

  5. What is wrong with kids these days? I loved the Little House series and was so excited to pass them on to Claire who is an AVID reader. I built it up, felt like I was passing on something sacred...waited ...while she read....ready to talk about things...finished book one.....I handed her the second book and she said "no thanks"...WHAT???? Anyway, I agree, probably the first thing I read that really made me love reading. I was addicted. I will admit things went down hill when I spent a summer reading the "Sweet Valley High" series.

  6. I'm so excited about this blog. I need help finding good books. I always choose non-fiction because I'm afraid of picking a book with bad words. When I lived in SLC back in the 60's we had a Bookmobile that came and parked right in front of my house! I could just step up into the open door of that bus and pick out any book I wanted. Talk about curb side service!

  7. I'm so sad to hear that Little House on the Prairie is not getting the reviews it used to. Maybe kids just can't relate to things like grass and trees and pig's bladders like they used to.
