Sunday, January 3, 2010

#8 Three Cups of Tea- Is Educating Girls the Way to Save the World

I think the answer to that question is yes. The last half of Three Cups of Tea tells about Greg's mission to combat extremist by building schools in Pakistan and eventually in Afghanistan. The people there are starving for education. The government does not provide schools in rural areas, and the parents are desperate to educate their children. The extremist Islamists build schools and educate children in anti-western and extremist principles. Unfortunately, the children are taught to hate America. Greg Mortenson is trying to combat this trend by providing an alternative to parents. He helps the members of a village build a school and provide a non-extremist education to the children of the village. He has discovered that if girls are educated, they become mothers who are educated and they teach their children correct principles. When young men are asks why they did not join extremist organizations, they often say that they knew their mother's would not approve. Greg Mortenson's story has been on my mind since I finished this book, and I have a feeling it will be on my mind for a long time. I strongly recommend reading this book.

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