Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dr. Suess

My favorite Dr. Suess book is called And To Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street. If you haven't read this one, it is about a boy whose dad always asks him what he saw on the way home from school. As he is walking home, all he sees is a horse and a wagon, which of course is not very exciting. So he spends his walk home, imagining all the exciting things that he could tell his dad that he saw on Mulberry Street. When he gets home, his dad asks him what he saw today, and instead of sharing all the amazing things he imagined, he simply reports that all he saw was a plain horse and wagon.
I love this story because I feel such a kinship with this boy. I feel like my life is full of interesting moments, events, and activities. Whenever I get on the phone with someone and they ask the dreaded question, "What have you been up to?", my mind goes blank. I usual reply is, "Not much." I even find myself sometimes preparing for the question during the week by carefully keeping note of all the exciting things that happen, but too often, like the boy in the story, all my careful planning causes me to see nothing more than a plain horse and wagon on Mulberry Street.

Which Dr. Suess book do you relate to the most?


  1. Maybe I should leave this anonymous, but I'll admit it -- I'm not a big fan of Dr. Suess.


    I know. I'm horrible. Have I also mentioned that I hate the song "Silent Night"?

    One of the many reasons why I'm going on the express elevator down to hell.

    Anyway, Dr. Seuss' books are WAY too long and the pictures kind of freak me out. The most disturbing one is the creature in "On Beyond Zebra" who looks just like my Aunt Glenda (I can't remember which letter it is).

    If I had to pick one, I guess it would have to be "How the Grinch Stole Christmas," but the movie, not the book.


  2. I love Dr. Suess. In my early days of teaching they tried to ban us from teaching from Dr. Seuss. It's just too hard to stay away from Dr. Seuss. I like, Oh.the Places You'll Go.

  3. Not sure about my favorite Dr. Seuss. I'm not the expert yet, but I TOTALLY have the same problem as you and this kid. I feel like I'm so busy, but when people ask what I'm up to I completely go blank! How is this possible?
