Wednesday, October 28, 2009

#5 The Art of Simple Food

I am in love with Alice Water's The Art of Simple Food. I got this book from my friend Camille for my birthday (Thanks, Camille!) If you want to learn how cooking works, this is a book that you are going to want to buy. This is a great read for this season of great eating. Alice Waters has started a Delicious Revolution that is centered in the principle of using simple, fresh, ingredients that are in season and sold or grown locally. The result is amazing flavor. Here is my favorite quote from the introduction.

Good cooking is no mystery. You don't need years of culinary training, or rare and costly foodstuffs, or an encyclopedia knowledge of world cuisines. You need only your five senses. You need good ingredients, too, of course, but in order to choose and prepare them, you need to experience them fully. It's the many dimensions of sensual experience that make cooking so satisfying. You never stop learning. (p. 4)

I am so excited about the things I am learning. The book is set up in sections and I plan to share a little tidbit from each section so you can learn with me. By the way I made the most amazing chicken noodle soup tonight with homemade chicken stock. It was amazing. I will share more when I write about the soup section. Stay posted!

1 comment:

  1. I'm picking this up from the library today :) Thanks for the suggestion. I can't wait to read it.
