Saturday, November 14, 2009

#6 The Hunger Games- Am I the Only One?

I started reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins because it came in from the library and I only have it for a couple of weeks. I have been anticipating this book because so many friends told me how good it was. I am not going to disagree with them. It is a compelling story. It has been tough to put down and I have almost finished the 300 page book in 24 hours. But I have to admit that I am shocked by it's casual portrayal of violence. Am I the only one out there who feels this way. I believe that this was the authors purpose. To show us how numb we could become to human life. I kept thinking that things would work out and that no one would actually die, but that has not been the case. It reminds me of the shock I felt in The Giver when we discover that the father's job was to basically kill children that did not "belong" in their society. So what are your thoughts on this one. And please don't tell me the ending. I am on pins and needles to discover it myself.


  1. I haven't read it, a little too "Mad Max" for me (that movie was on TV the other day and I made my husband change the channel). Yeah, I can't handle that stuff either. I agree on "The Giver." Very disturbing. Especially the part where they say "Now you can lie." Let me know if the book is worth reading, though. I don't know if I'll start it, isn't it part of a series of books? I try to avoid book series.

  2. I picked this one up and found myself reading it into the evening. I also find the violence disturbing, but think the overall story is interesting. Can't wait to find out how it ends.
