Monday, November 30, 2009

#6 The Hunger Games- What's a Little Violence Between Friends?

I finished The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and I would definitely recommend this to adults, but not to kids. It is young adult fiction, but I found the violence to disturbing for anyone under 15ish. We have grown accustomed to pretend violence among kids in books like Harry Potter and recently in the vampire series Twilight. But something seems more real about this story. It is a bit of a cross between The Giver and Lord of the Rings. With that said, I liked the book and it is definitely a page turner. I was much more interested in the action than the love story, which is strange for me, but the love story felt a bit false. Then ending leaves you hanging and hungry for more. I haven't picked up the sequel yet and I am excited to read it, but I better get in line. These books are tough to get at the library. I might have to get a little violent myself, if I want to get a copy in the next decade.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome book! Can't wait for book three, and the movie!

